\Omega\Filesystem\Factory FilesystemFactoryInterface

Filesystem factory interface.

The FilesystemFactoryInterface is an extension of the GenericFactoryInterface, specifically for creating filesystem-related instances. It follows the structure defined in the GenericFactoryInterface and is used to standardize the creation of filesystem components in the Omega system.

This interface inherits the create method from GenericFactoryInterface, allowing it to return any type of database-related object or value, based on an optional configuration array.

  • create(?array $config = null): mixed
    • The inherited method allows for the creation of session instances, using an optional configuration array.


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create(array|null  $config = null) : mixed

Creates and returns an instance of an object based on the provided configuration.


array|null $config

Holds an optional configuration array that may be used to influence the creation of the object. If no configuration is provided, default settings may be applied.


mixed —

Return the created object or value. The return type is flexible, allowing or any type to be returned, depending on the implementation.